Yesterday, 28 September 2020, the “Coop 2030 – Impact, Sustainability, Transition” call for proposals was launched by Coopfond to help cooperatives get off to a more sustainable start, launching a repositioning process to move closer to the UN 2030 Agenda’s SDGs. The call for proposals has a budget of over 650,000 euros and it is open to all Legacoop member cooperatives with a production value of between 480,000 and 50 million euros. To participate click on Coop 2030 call for proposals.
Over the past few weeks,” explains Simone Gamberini, General Manager of Coopfond, “we have carried out important work together with Legacoop’s territorial and sectoral associations to develop an awareness-raising campaign to pave the way for cooperatives potentially interested in the launch of the call for proposals, which will now be more effective in helping cooperatives that will have to make profound changes in the way they produce and offer services. The Coop 2030 call for proposals is divided into four phases and has been conceived in synergy with the Fon.Coop. notice no. 46 Relaunch of 14 July 2020, dedicated to the medium-long term reconversion, transformation and innovation of the activities of the member companies. The financing of Fon. Coop could, among other things, co-finance the second phase of Coopfond’s call for proposals, ensuring a rewarding evaluation by the selection committee.
The first phase of the call started yesterday and is aimed at collecting applications and evaluating them, based on the quality of the proposal, the organization’s dedicated team, budget indexes, co-investment capacity, and the real will to pursue a repositioning path. For the second phase, it is estimated that about ten cooperatives will be selected and will receive support for eight weeks from a specialized team of mentors and experts built according to the individual initiative, for a value of 15 thousand euros for each cooperative.
Phase 3 will be accessed by seven cooperatives whose projects, having demonstrated their real sustainability, will be supported with co-investment by the Fund (up to 70%) and the system tools to start the experimentation. Phase 4 will see the presentation of the results of the experimentation and the development plan to impact finance funds and institutional investors.
Source: Legacoop