How far has Italy come on its road to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals? Download the ASviS’s 2020 Report.
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals. Download the slides of the BeSustainable! training seminars in schools.
Find out more on Coopstartup Bellacoopia and on the path for approaching cooperation in an innovative and sustainable way.
“Un mondo sostenibile in 100 foto” (“A sustainable world in 100 photos”) is a book by Enrico Giovannini and Donato Speroni, with photo editor Manuela Fugenzi. It represents a sort of window on the world that documents the systemic crisis that is affecting the entire planet, and a focus on possible solutions to support the collective well-being. Thanks to Enel’s support, the book can be used free of charge by teachers and students at upper secondary schools