The UN 2030 Agenda represents a universal plan of action for sustainable human development, combining the economic, social and environmental dimensions. It is based on four guiding principles: integration, universality, inclusion and transformation.
The new Community Planning for 2021 – 2027 reaffirms the importance of joint action for the implementation of 2030 Agenda and anchors the sustainable development goals in cohesion policies. Similarly, the national strategy for sustainable development articulates in the 5 P – People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership – the national strategic choices and objectives.
The cooperative movement has always had in its founding principles the essence of the UN 2030 Agenda .
The Global Conference “Cooperatives for Development” organized by the International Cooperative Alliance in 2019, highlighted how the cooperative movement can provide a key contribution to the achievement of the 17 goals for sustainable development (SDGs) because it operates on the overcoming of social inequalities, acts on the fractures by creating cohesion, values the role of women and identifies them as agents of inclusion and cultural mediation by promoting a tolerant and inclusive society. Cooperation is concerned with work and the dignity it entails for individuals, families and communities. Cooperative enterprises are also about economy, development of territories, positive outwards and attention to environmental protection. .
The cooperative movement addresses this new phase by aiming to be recognisable as a bearer of good practice in the field of sustainability, making its principles a distinctive feature of competitiveness. We will share how the member cooperatives of Legacoop Emilia-Romagna are working with great commitment in the direction of developing an ethical and sustainable economy.